I've been offering my nieces and nephews $5 to eat one. No takers so far. Gab said he'd do it for $20.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
They're everywhere
I've been offering my nieces and nephews $5 to eat one. No takers so far. Gab said he'd do it for $20.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Iowa Family Reunion
Mid-way through the trip we pulled off the expressway into some random neighborhood to stop at a park. I asked Cathie why and her answer was, "Your family has a history of odd pit stops." It's true. In the past we stopped repeated in industrial parks and other strange places. We don't need no stinkin rest stop. We met up with Jon and Beth and got to see my new niece for the first time ever. My family seems to really love my Hulk Hogan 'stache. They express that love through repeatedly telling me just how bad it looks on me. Odd family, I know.
We had custom shirts printed for our family reunion to go along with the custom beer-coozies. In Iowa, when you go to a wedding, there are no fancy center pieces - just custom beer coozies. Nice, huh? In addition to the t-shirts, Dan ordered Cathie a custom thong with the family reunion logo printed on the front and back. My wife loves thongs, what can I say? I'm a lucky man.
We spent the day swimming and then my brothers and I headed out on a beer run. As is tradition, we got lost again. Even with our GPS systems. We did this last time every stinkin time we went out without my Dad.
Tomorrow morning we're heading to the field where Field of Dreams was filmed (probably even less exciting than it sounds) and then we're heading over to my Aunt's farm for the family reunion. We've got hay rides and even a bus to shuttle us around to all of the different stops at my cousins. My cousins love Busch Lite beer, which we learned last year is basically water and on a hot day you can drink about 20 of these things. We brought Bud to try and be the beer snobs in Iowa.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I just licked the kitten, because that's what his Mom would do. The kitten probably thinks I'm his Mom. I didn't lick my finger first and then touch the kitten. I just licked the kitten with my tongue. --Emily
My Friend Ken
At that time, Ken was a Youth Pastor in Xenia, Ohio where he pastored a fantastic band of misfits that reminded me a lot of the kids in my youth group at the time. Ken was a philosophy major at Cedarville and thinks deeply about things, but at the same time has a sense of humor that rides dangerously close to mine. Ken has a passion and vision for what the church is supposed to be and has been a huge influence on me in this area and my understanding of the oppressed. Although Ken is a Calvinist, (and one of the few that is actually not pre-destined according to my own prophetic word), he approaches his beliefs with humility and respect and doesn't act like the tool that many of a similar Calvinistic bent seem to enjoy. Ken has a this great ability to humbly listen to others points of view and discuss tough topics, without feeling the need to make their view his. Ken savors learning from others and going deep in relationships. Ken also has a pretty similar sense of humor to me and all of the other youth pastors at camp - sarcastic and at about a sixth grade level. Unfortunately, he also has no problem walking around naked, especially if it makes others uncomfortable. Ken has a man-crush on Noel (who he is more than just camp-friends with) and likes the band Wilco because he thinks Noel does too.
Ken recently moved out to Jersey where he's going to seminary and youth pastoring. We get to spend a week together each year at camp, visit as we're in each other's area and we talk on the phone pretty frequently. Since Ken's parents are reading this, it's very important that you know that Ken is in fact heterosexual.
Phil will never read this
The amazing thing is that Phil runs a construction company, has his Bachelor's degree in Youth Ministry and knows the bible inside and out. He doesn't look for pity and he's able to laugh about it.
Velocity - Thursday
We all felt bad for Kasey, pictured on the right, because she had played volleyball in high school and had lost so much of her ability in her old age.
Most of our group went canoing today and just skirted past the rain. This is the last update from me, so be sure and be at church next Sunday to see the slideshow of all of the pictures taken.
You can see the rest of my pictures from Thursday here.
Our Speakers
The group has grown as leaders have been raised up from within the group and added other leaders into the relationship. It is such a fantastic group of people, all with a similar sarcastic sense of humor, love for kids and love for God. I love having the new leaders coming out of high school in our group get to see this group of leaders and how they relate.
Mark Butler, on the left, raised up a slew of leaders here as a youth pastor. He's a junior high youth pastor who has done and seen everything out there in youth ministry. He raised up guys like Tim and Jason and he's the COO of our camp.
(Note the water spot on Paul's pants in the picture on the right. For the record, Paul said he DID NOT pee himself here and claims he spilled water on his pants)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Velocity - Wednesday
It's still hot and we're still sweaty, unless we're in the air conditioned dorms. The only real downside to air conditioned dorms is that nothing dries in the room. My towel is still wet from Monday. Our youth group game consisted of trying to do a large group jump rope. Last year we were amazing and did 30 in a row. This year we tried to get 3. The band was participating with us, and I'm pretty sure they were the anchors.
Jess coordinated a gig today in the cafeteria to clean-up afterward lunch. It was nothing the kids had to do, but they did it to serve the cafeteria workers. The workers really didn't know what to do with it, but were pretty surprised and pleased. Almost all of the kids from our group participated, including all the kids you would think wouldn't really want to serve others.
The guys and I played football today in the Kenyon stadium. It was 90+ and humid and we were roasting, but we had a blast. The coolest part was when the older guys picked teams. They started with the youngest, smallest guys. They just lit up when they were chosen first. The big guys went out of their way to make sure the middle school guys got the ball and got to make the big plays. We had no major injuries except for Michael (Kasey's fiancee) getting a bloody nose. The group of guys is so great. Watching the older guys talk to and hang with the middle schoolers tells me we're doing something right.
The kids are settling into the rhythm of camp and starting to open up more and more. As part of the middle school session, we break out into small groups and talk through what we just heard, going through three questions that spark great discussion. It's great to see some of our college students leading these group. Mike and Tiffany led the groups today and did a great job with it. Our small groups tonight were a little different. We were talking about how God is there in the midst of our sadness and tough times and the small group questions were on the same topics. The first question dealt with what the saddest movie they'd ever seen. One kid started off talking about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and how sad it was. Other kids joined in and shared more details. Let's just say that junior high boys don't watch too many sad movies. The next question was on a time where they'd been sad because of something in their life and how they responded. Most of them had some kind of experience, but when asked how they'd dealt with it, the common answer was, "I don't know. I was 6."
There is a ton of walking and Jason and I have been shuttling kids around the campus. Only 18 year old leaders are allowed in the trunk. (Parents. I'm kidding. Not really.)
Our guys got smoked in a Halo 3 tournament tonight and we continued to play our new racquetball court game - four wall. We've got this down to an art form and no one got hurt. It's so cool to see the way the kids in general and the guys specifically have bonded. The older guys have really taken the junior high guys under their wing. The Rays boys do a great job of modeling this for the other high school guys, and they've started doing the same.
We're starting to wear down a bit, but the group is bonding and the kids are opening up more and more. Keep praying for us.
You can see the rest of the pictures here.
Lesson from Shinn's lesson
Happy Birthday Madeline
Happy Birthday Madeline!
My beautiful little girl is nine today! Here are nine things you might not know about Madeline:
1. Madeline loves to read. She will often read through a decent size chapter book in one night.
2. Maddie is scared of worms. She'll hold snakes, she will ride any rollercoaster you can find, but worms terrify her.
3. Madeline loves to be the center of attention. Not sure where she got that trait from.
4. Madeline's favorite pop in the whole world is Dr. Pepper.
5. Madeline is very generous. She loves to help others out with what she's got, whether it's with her allowance or her toys. She was given an award at Spring Hill for her generosity.
6. Maddie has her own style. It's usually a pretty one and the parts that aren't, we attribute to Jess living with us for a year.
7. Madeline is a minimalist. She stores nothing and when cleaning her room would sooner give something away or throw the stuff out.
8. When I wear ugly sunglasses in public, I embarrass her from her "head all the way down to her toes."
9. Maddie has a pen-pal that she met while Cathie and I were on our time-share spiel in Florida. The two been corresponding for almost a year, a few times a month.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Velocity - Tuesday
After this morning's session we had some team games, including this one called blind thwacker. It involved blindfolds, water noodles and poking people. It doesn't get much better than that.
Everyone got into it and we had some quality pile-ups at the bottom as people didn't get out of the way fast enough. No injuries, though.
I took a group canoing today and the river was super low. 80% of the kids I took were junior highers from other schools and NONE of them knew how to canoe. Tim Wright and I flipped 20 capsized canoes and freed up another 50 canoes stuck on rocks.
It's only day two, but it feels like we've been here a while already. As usual, the kids were up early this morning - but as we run 'em hard, they start to get to bed a little early and sleep in a little later. Breakfast is at 7:30, so there's not too much sleeping going on.
My vow to only take the stairs is seeming a little dumber each day. I go up the stairs at least 13 times a day x 16 stairs per flight x 7 flights of stairs x once up+once down. If my math is right, I figure I'm doing about 2912 stairs per day. I'm eating more lettuce in a given day than I do in a month. Two huge salads each day combined with my friend Mr. Gold Bond Medicated Power and I'm a happy guy.
You can see the rest of the pictures here.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Velocity - Monday
The first day is always an interesting one with kids transitioning into "camp-mode", burning off excess energy and getting out from under Mom and Dad. Michael and I took three seventh graders to Wal-Mart today to get stuff. It's awesome to watch junior-highers flush with cash going shopping on their own. They bought candy, mountain dew, legos, a remote control car and a rip-cord motorcycle. Awesome.
We all hit the gym tonight and came up with a great game played in racquetball court, involving chucking a racquetball around the court, catching it and trying not to get hit. Fun stuff.
You can see the rest of Monday's pictures here.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
For the fifth year (i think) we're at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH (the middle of nowhere). The good news is that we're staying in air conditioned dorms this year. The bad news is that they're on the other side of campus from everything else we're doing. We've got about 400+ kids going overall from a bunch of different churches around Michigan and Ohio. We're from all sorts of denominations and none of us believes the exact same thing, but we all love kids and believe that Jesus loves them too, so we work to teach the kids to know and follow Jesus. We've got 30+ kids going from Crossroads, with a great group of leaders, many of who've grown up through our youth group from junior high to high school and now help as leaders as they're in college.
I look forward to this week every year. It's an amazing, life changing, draining week. I'm going into it this year already kind of worn down with a couple of crazy weeks leading up to this one. Hanging with this group of youth pastors, hearing the speakers and the worship is a great way for me to reconnect with God. Having the great conversations with kids about their life and faith that happen so often in these kind of settings where you're together 24x7 also fill me up.
If you have a sec, please pray for me, the other leaders and the kids we're taking this week.
Cheap Hose
- Cathie does not know good hose from bad hose.
- Cathie thinks that $20 is a lot for hose.
- Cheap hose are twisted.
- Cathie is good at straightening out cheap hose.
Anytime my family gets together, we have four people taking lots of pictures of the same thing. My sister took the picture on the left, which she was very amused by because of the old woman on the scooter zooming by on the left. Dan was kind enough to take this picture up on the right. I'm not sure what he was going for.
Mystery Box
This was our first time getting the Mystery Box at church. The idea is that our Pastor has no idea what's in it and has to teach a quick message on it's contents. The kids have fun trying to stump the pastor and it's always amusing for the adults to watch Joe try and dig his way out of tough spots. Our kids couldn't agree for the longest time non what to put in the box, coming up with everything from a bottle of plant fertilizer to a dead raccoon carcass - the more obscure and harder to teach on, the better. We thought long and hard and finally filled the box with a giant alligator head with a hot dog stuck in it's teeth.
Mackinac Island
We had the most amazing rooms at the hotel - some of the best (it helps to have your Dad know the owner and organize the shindig), right at the front, overlooking the property and the lake. We had an amazing view with balconies that were perfect for sitting out and reading as you heard the horse hoofs clomp on the sidewalk below. If you look at the picture above, we're dead center in the top of the hotel.
We had to leave early and took the 9pm Ferry off the island. We stayed at my friend Bill's cottage in Gaylord before heading to Spring Hill to pick up the kids.
You can see the rest of my pics here, and other pics here and here. You have to read my sister Sooze's rendition of the whole event, which you'll find here.