Monday, May 26, 2003

I went back and re-read the section on The Body in ROTH. I still don't get it completely. I'm becoming aware of how central my physical body is in to my spiritual life. Re-reading that, it sounds weird. This says it better: The outcome of spiritual formation is, indeed, the transformation of the inner reality of the self in such a way that the deeds and words of Jesus become a natural expression of who we are. But it is the nature of the human being that the "inner reality of the self" settles into our body, from which that inner reality then operates in practice. The outside becomes a reflection of the inner-life - and the outside can get just as corrupted as the inside and needs redemption in the same way. I was hoping that by writing some of my thoughts out here it would clarify them for me. I'm not sure I'm any further ahead that I was before I started staring at this screen.

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