Tuesday, June 24, 2003

What a difference a good night's rest makes! We've got 29 kids and 3 leaders at camp. Not exactly optimal student, leader ratios, but we're doing the best with what we've got. The first couple days of camp are the hardest, because the kids still have lots of energy and some are still trying to establish that alpha-male ranking. Once they figure it out (that I am the alpha male), we're both much happier. Right now there's really only one kid that hasn't figured it out - he's a tough, sarcastic kid. My goal is to have a great, deep relationship with him by week's end.
I'm trying to remember to let myself be filled up throughout the week, and ruthlessely depend on God for sustinance. The morning worship and Noel's teaching are awesome for my heart. Noel is such an amazing teacher, his connection, his content and his relevance with the kids rocks. His wife does a great job taking the whole camp thing in stride, and his three kids just go with the flow.
I miss my kids even more-so because I know they're being bounced around from place to place this week. Today Kasey Harmon watches them until tomorrow afternoon. What better form of birth-control for an 18-year-old girl than to have 3 kids for 36 hours!

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