Thursday, July 10, 2003

Harry Potter: Leading the Troops as the War Begins to Turn: So many people are reading Harry Potter, it's a great common group for adults and kids with lots of great points in it. Tony Campolo has some good stuff to say:

"I like Harry Potter for these reasons: First, he's a great role model for kids. He gets kids off blaming other people for their problems. There is an essential goodness about him that triumphs over the existential situations of his life. Secondly, he chooses the right friends…He makes good friendships and recognizes that is core to what makes a good person. In the end, he learns the choices that you make are what determine who you are and what you [become]. The moral values of the books are wonderful!

The real important thing to recognize is that there are spiritual forces out there, really negative spiritual forces. What Harry Potter books have brought to the fore is that there are dark forces and good forces at work in the universe that transcend human experiences. That's something we all have to learn. We have to identify with Christ and the good spirits that he brings into our lives against those dark spirits, which is where Harry Potter stands. He stands with me, and I stand with Harry!"

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