Saturday, July 26, 2003

Man is it good to be home. We just got back from a week's vacation at Michillinda Lodge in Whitehall, MI. We went there with Cathie's parents, and her grandparents. We actually had four generations of women from Cathie's family there.
Anyways, Michillinda is a collection of cottages, and you're there with a whole bunch of families, from little kids to senior citizens. It's pretty expensive, the accommodations aren't all that great, and the food pretty much blows. All of that in mind, we have an amazing time every year here. We've gotten to know a number of families up there - our kids play together and we hang out together. For example, for the past two years, we've played a dice game called "Sunset" that we play each night, ironically enough, at sunset. It starts with a small group at the beginning of the week, but by by the end of the week, we've got a group of 20 or more playing this game. Each person puts $3 in front of them, and it's winner take all. Aside from our nightly gambling, there are other community activities such as Bingo, a Variety show, and a real-live cowboy campfire show. All of these things make it fun, but it's really the fun that we have as a family and the community that we develop with the other people up there that makes it so much fun.

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