Monday, July 28, 2003

Three posts in one day - maybe I'm just avoiding work. Give me a break, I've been gone for a week with lots of random thoughts floating through my brain.

Today at the gym, Zach and I tried to figure out what our one rep max was on the bench - how much you can bench press one time. I did 295, Zach 225. 295 is the most I've ever put up - last time I tried I was at 265.

On vacation, I saw a yard sign that said "Your Sin will find out". I wonder where this person is coming from? They went through a lot of trouble to have a custom made sign printed up and stuck in their yard. Sin is bad - I'll give you that, and it always comes back to bite you in the butt. Does this sign do anything than reinforce a lot of people's view that God is sitting up in heaven just waiting for you to screw up so he can put a mark down against you? People can be dumb, like me.

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