Friday, July 04, 2003

We had our annual July 4th family picnic today at my parents house. Check out the pictures. Cathie's still recuperating, so I took the kids solo. By the time we'd hit Brighton there was a hurricane-style torrential downpour. By the time we were at my parents, it had cleared up and it was beautiful out. Power was out the entire time - so no air conditioning and no lights when you're going to the bathroom (Makes it tough to aim in a dark bathroom). We deep-fried a couple of turkeys for dinner and did the rest of the meal on the grill - beans, jalapeno poppers - everything. The turkey was phenomenal. The kids had a blast getting their squirt guns out - Grandma and Grandpa of participated of course - my mom even made water baloons for the kids. Kevin and I tried to get my brother Jon from the roof, but when he got into position, he was holding his digital camera. We did the annual grandkid picture. Typically, my kids are the ones fussing the most - and this year was no exception. By the end, we're bribing them with candy, drugs, whatever. Jon brought his dog stretch. Normally not a big deal, but since Jon torments our kids, we like to do the same to his dog. It doesn't help that the dog has bit just about everyone in the famliy at one time or another. Emily was a really high maintenance. I ended up taking her home while the rest of the family went to the Ingham County fireworks. Nate and Maddie went with my brother and his wife. I really have an amazing family. I love hanging out with them. We've got Maddie's birthday tomorrow - moonwalk and all. Cathie's feeling better and I'm done being a single dad. I found out that I'm pretty much a martyr. I really don't like serving others all that much, and it's easy for me to get self-righteous about it. I guess when I ask God to work with me on an area of my life, I need to be prepared for the worst - like my wife having the flu for three days. Sucks.

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