Saturday, September 13, 2003

Got in tonight, and found out today I've got a lot of travel coming up. I'm on the road in Kansas City, Missouri and Mobile, Alabama next Monday - Wednesday. The following week I'm up north at a planning meeting for work Monday - Wednesday. The week after that I go to Kansas City for a couple days to meet with the President of Xerox (Anne Mulcahy - great leader) and then head down to Mobile for a couple days. The Mobile thing should be interesting - it's doing the consulting to eventually testify as an expert witness for them around their current Document Management System. Hey, if someone wants to pay me (rather Xerox) lots of money for my opinion, far be it from me to tell them their over paying. I just changed the travel around this evening, and my flight is about $1,100 for next week. Ouch. With the end-of-the-year travel restrictions in place, I figured my travel would severely decrease, and it looks like it's increasing. It's cyclical, but with the kids back in school it's a little harder on Cathie, especially this past week where I was gone Sunday - Friday. Madeline has the toughest time when I'm gone - she becomes pretty tough for Cath to manage on the tail end of my travel. Shorter trips - Monday - Wednesday kind of deals are a lot easier to process.

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