Wednesday, September 10, 2003

No posts for a week - and now this....
What a great Sunday. I was just thinking about how I enjoyed hanging out with the Fusion/Impact kids, and how that reall kickstarted my heart for this ministry year. I was pretty neutral about getting going again, thinking more about the time comittment than the kids. Laughing and connecting on Sunday morning was so key to me and remembering why I'm a part of Fusion and youth ministry in general. Remembering all of the individual lives and stories behind each kid is what does it for me.

I found this one to be amazing - let me give you some background first. One of the my kids in Fusion lost their mother last week in a hold-up/murder at a hotel in Troy, MI. I don't want to get into this - it sucked, and frankly, I don't like thinking about it. We were hanging out Sunday talking about he high points and low-points of our summer, and a new kid who was there shared his: "My high point was meeting my family for the first time, my low-point was finding out that my birth-mother was murdered." This boy had been put up for adoption in his infancy, but his adoped mother had kept in touch with his birth mother, although the boy had never met her. His first contact was at a funeral. What amazing stories these kids have, and so few understand that there is a God who wants to be a part of that story in such a powerful way. Makes it seem like a no-brainer.

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