Sunday, September 14, 2003

We comissioned Jason as our Youth Pastor today at Crossroads. It was a very proud moment for me to see him officially introduced to our church, and tell his story about how he ended up where he's at. He started two weeks ago, and he's hit the ground running in an amazing way. I had the chance to sit in our Youth Ministries leadership meeting on Saturday and listen to Jason cast an amazing vision out there of Crossroad's Youth Ministry and how he wants to approach it from both a strategic and tactical standpoint. I was excited to hear where we're going, but I was equally proud of Jason and how he is making it his own. While I'm excited for J, there's a part of me that's grieving my transition out of the role of I was in, trying to figure out how to best step back so that Jason can move forward. The part of me that's sad is outweighed by the excitement at seeing the potential of the kids that can be reached with J on board. I can get rid of the burden I've carried for a long time, knowing that kids were being left behind because I didn't have the time. I know that God is a bigger God that than, but I still carried that around with me.

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