Friday, October 03, 2003

Just read this artcle on Holy Sex by Phillip Yancey discussing the spiritual nature of our sexuality. It's easy to find articles that point out how "The World" (Which last time I checked, we're a part of) has distorted God's version of sexuality. This article addresses how the church's response to "The World's" version of sexuality has distorted the world's view of sex further:
I dwell on the church's severe attitude toward sex because I believe we Christians bear heavy responsibility for the counter reaction so evident in modern society. Jesus treated those who had fallen into sexual sins with compassion and forgiveness, and reserved his harshest words for the hidden sins of hypocrisy, pride, greed, and legalism. How is it that we who follow him use the word "immoral" to signify sexual sins almost exclusively, and reserve church discipline for those who fail sexually?

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