Monday, October 13, 2003

Noel did as series called "The Hate People". It deals with the how many people have the perspective that Christianity is a faith of hate - looking at how Christians have contributed to this, and what the bible has to say about these areas. These are some of the Noel best teachings I've heard Noel give. I love hearing him teach. He has such an amazing way of critically analyzing what's going on in the world around us, in the church and in God's word. He takes these three threads and weaves them together to produce very hard hitting messages. Noel is a lot like Neo in the way he can read the code of the Matrix (these three threads) and make amazing sense of it all. He pulls humor and relevance into his messages that make them great to listen to.

There are four teachings (you can download the related mp3 by clicking on the link):
* Culture
* Morality
* Women
* Homosexuality

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