Sunday, November 16, 2003

I just finished watching a video of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardobe - part of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. When I read the books as a kid, I never saw past the story line to any larger story. Each time I read it or watch it, I'm amazed at how C.S. Lewis retold the core elements of the Gospel in these books - especially in this first book. After watching the video with my kids today, I sat down and started reading it again. Reading through the part of the book where Aslan makes a deal with the Witch to die in Edmund's place opens up a part of the gospel I'd never though of before - it really shows the the majesty of the savior and the humilty of his death. I guess it may sound silly that it takes a kids book to point these things out to me. Oh well.

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