Monday, December 08, 2003

I had a pretty uneventful weekend. Cathie and I hung around on Friday night, had a nice fire - read for a while and watched Drumline. It wasn't a bad movie, but it's tough to see Orlando Jones as anything but the Seven Up guy. Saturday afternoon Madeline had a dance recital in Brighton and that night we had a kids birthday party at the Niemi's. This was actually a pretty fun time, where the adults hung out while the kids played. Afterwards, Will, Justin, Mark and I all went out to the South Lyon Hotel for a beer. Last night we had a gal we've gotten to know in our neighborhood come over along with her daughter, who's Nate's age. She's a single Mom whose life is pretty hetic. She's pretty young - only 25 or 26 and she doesn't have a lot of friends with kids. We've gotten to know her over the past year as Cathie and I both go to her to get our hair cut (Yes world, I go to a Salon to get my hair cut). We're doing a brunch thing at our house after Crossroad's Christmas Service on December 21st, and she and her daughter are coming to btoh, which is cool. We've also got a couple other friends coming who don't do church unless it's coming with us, which is a good place to start.

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