Monday, February 16, 2004

I upgraded my TiVO system with a new hard drive. I'd purchased the 40 hour Hughes DirecTiVO system along with a 200GB drive for $100. I used the following definitive How-To for the upgrade and was successful. The whole operation only took about 5 minutes. It basically goes like this: Take the drive out of the Tivo, Hook it up to a PC, boot from CD, backup the TiVO disk, restore it to the new drive, replace the drive and Whalla! You can put two drives in teh system, and it will recognize up to 137 GB per drive. Each GB gives you about 1.2 Hours of viewing time. My next task is to figure out how to put it on my home wireless network, so I can update the programming and functionality remotely, instead of having to pull the hard drive out everytime.

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