Sunday, June 27, 2004

Jason did the message/sermon today at church and did an amazing job. Here's the context: Jason's been gone for the past two weeks, at camp for the past week. He comes home drained mentally and physically with his voice gone to give his first every all-J message on Child Like Faith. 10:00 last night he's over at my house still tweaking what he's going to say. My prayer for him was that God would come through and save the day, like Superman always used to do. He blew me away - both God and Jason. In J's weakness, God was huge. The content and the delivery were phenomneal - lots of stories, which J is great at telling, but a message that you could tell J was passionate about. I was really proud of him. I'll try and make it into an MP3 and post it on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sleep is a weapon