Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm getting stuff with my new Treo phone straightened out. All of my contacts and calendar entries in outlook (hundreds of them) were corrupted and I was pulling my hair out for a while. I ended up moving to a different contact synchronization software package. If you're considering this phone, here are some random thoughts on it:
- Mediocre battery life, and no external battery to swap out
- E-mail being pushed out to it is awesome
- You almost have to use a headset with this thing, because it fits so awkwardly on your ear.
- There's some great software out there for it, but most of it just helps get the phone's interface and functionality to where Microsoft's Smartphone's interface and functionality are already at.
- The syncronization is painfully slow, plus it's not an automated thing. You have to hit a button, instead of having it sync as you make changes, as the Smartphone does.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Microsoft fan. The best of both worlds would be the Treo 600 hardware running on the Smartphone OS. I have an old laptop connected to my company VPN that does nothing but sync my Outlook with Verizon's server, which in turn pushes and pulls things back out to my phone. Seems to be working well so far.

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