Monday, September 13, 2004

I was a self-righteous weenie todya. My internet connection went down today and I was pissed. The speed on my connection was slow, at about .5% of what it should be - 3k/sec, which is slower than dial-up. I was on the phone all morning with SBC trying to get it resolved. Since I'm a computer guy, I obviously know more than them (or so I was thinking) as I explained to them that I'd changed nothing at home, therefore it must be their fault. They eventually sent a guy out who did all the line analysis and tracked it to an internal problem. Impsosible, I've done nothing. I've only got one phone plugged in, so it can't be my problem. As I went to unplug that one phone, I noticed that I have three TiVo systems hooked up. I disconnected my new TiVo system and lo-and-behold, it worked. I learned about the importance of putting filters on your line with a DSL connection and that I don't know everything in the world. Probably be a good one to write down somewhere where I can see it on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Noel Heikkinen said...

What concerns me is not your self-righteousness, but the fact that you have three Tivo units.