Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I began this morning putting on make-up. Ok, I wasn't putting it on myself. I had a make-up artist caking on make-up before I was supposed to shoot my part of our commercial at a customer site here in Kansas City. After they did my make-up, they put my in front of lights and cameras for the taping. I had people constantly adjusting my clothes, my posture and make-up as we taped. I was interviewed and I would answer the question, kinda like the AT&T commecials with the talking heads. They're going to take my 30 minutes of video and probably use one minute out of it. It was horribly akward. I'm rarely at a loss for words, but this thing really threw me off. I felt like I had to come up with really meaningful, smart things to say, neither of which I normally have anyways, and even less so when I'm on camera.

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