Monday, October 18, 2004

I finally did it. I bought an iPod. In case you've been living in a cave, an iPod is a portable MP3 music player. Aside from playing music, it's also a social statement. Best I can tell, people who own iPod's are better than EVERYONE else in the world. The white headphones apparently are a statement in and of themselves that you are smarter, better, richer and have know more than the rest of the world. All very typical characteristics of an apple owner. I'm waiting to learn the secret handshake - and I've started giving the knowing head-nod to other iPod owners as I pass them in the airport. My Mac friend Noel believes that Jesus would own a Mac because they are both counter-cultural. On that note, so is smoking crack.


Noel Heikkinen said...

Dave. I know three things.

I love you.
Jesus loves you.
Steve Jobs loves you.

Unknown said...

Noel loves you
Jesus loves you
Steve Jobs loves you
and so does Bono

Tim P. said...

Dave, I think if there will be such a thing as material spiritual gifts when we get to the "new earth" (heaven) that any computer spiritual gifts will actually be Macs. In fact, in might be true that buying a Mac is actually very much like laying up treasures in heaven--they have sort of a transcendent quality to them. Congradulations on the first step towards enlightenment.

Davin said...

Hi Dave. Congratulations on your new iPod!

Noel tells me you might be in denial about your fellowship within the Apple community. Have no doubt, you are a welcome in it.

You might think of your new iPod as a little prayer that says you are not smarter, better, richer and know more, but that you are in a world filled with mediocrity and you believe you don't always have to just settle for technology that is bound to fail. There is this beacon of hope that technology has made itself accessible to humanity! There is hope for all, Dave. And you've taken the first step onto a better path, and you are not walking it alone.

Group hug.

(Realize that was all tongue-in-cheek. Mostly.)

Dan Price said...

God invented sex.
God invented people.
People invented computers.
Steve Jobs invented sexy computers.
Therefore, God wants us to have sexy computers.

Anonymous said...

Hah! We have you now! It's only a matter of time until you surrender completely to the power that is Mac.

Anonymous said...

Don't you find it intersting that the IPod has so many buttons... you say MAC users are enlightened, however, this is a group of users who only have one mouse button and find right clicking a Windows mouse something quite foreign. I only hope the number of keys on the IPod does not lead to greater confusion. Good luck with your first Apple product and remember to resist the force of the darkside.