Monday, October 18, 2004

I've been listening to messages from Rob Bell, the pastor of Mars Hills church in Grand Rapids, MI where my brother Jon goes to church. Rob and I both went to Okemos High School, he grew up right down the street from me. I saw him teach a couple of years ago at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Conference and was blown away by him. I've been listening to his stuff in my car and while exercising. I started listening to a series called Mastering the Art of Living. The first message deals with living in the present moment and I've come to realize how baldy I'm setup to do that. Between my treo with it's IM and E-Mail capabilities, my iPod, my car stereo, my TiVo, my cell phone I have a tough time taking 5 minutes of quiet in my day. Each morning, I take 15 - 30 minutes of quiet time, but even that, I have a tough time being in that moment and not thinking about the day before, the next day, or even my day that's going to start in another 30 minutes.

You can download mp3's of the last 12 weeks of messages here.

You can browse and download my personal collection of sermon MP3's from Mars Hill, Crossroads and Riverview here.

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