Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I love gadgets and "stuff" in general. When I take a look at how much and how quickly I buy stuff online, it's pretty amazing. Rarely do I want for something for too long. I was talking with a friend of mine Matt in Kansas City who suffers from the same thing. We agreed that during January we would fast from buying stuff. Even for the short time I've been doing this, it's amazing how quickly apparent it becomes some of the "why's" behind my buying become apparent. Sometimes it's because I'm having a bad day or even a good day, and sometimes it's because there's a part of me that really believes that this or that "thing" (book, toy, technology, gadget, etc) will really make me happy. It's amazing once I get them how little time the joy around the stuff I get lasts... I move on to wanting the next thing. I've actually put a bunch of the junk I had laying around out on eBay.

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