Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Interesting day today. The company brought in a consultant from Disney to talk through some of the theory behind Disney's customer experience. In one example, he shared the magic behind how they help guests find lost cars. Seems impossible when people barely remember what their rental car looks like, let alone where they parked amongst 100,000 cars. What they do is ask the guest when they arrive, which most remember. As the cars arrive in the morning, they mark down every five minutes where they're parking people. All the attendant has to do is match the arrive time with the appropriate location and whallah!

A good friend of mine who I happen to work with (Bill Belanger) was a part of a roundtable discussion in front of the group. If you don't know Bill, he's about 5'2" tall and built like a tank - a hockey player. Bill goes to sit down in the raised chair on the stage, but the chair is too tall for him, so his feet dangle down like a kid sitting in an adult chain. Everyone laughed, including Bil. He has a good sense of humor about his height, but I figured Will, Brad and Noel would appreciate the story....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad had this guy speak at Macinac Island last year. - Dan