Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I've been looking at switching from Verizon cell phone service to Sprint for the last couple of months, but haven't pulled the trigger. On one hand, Sprint's a lot cheaper and they've got a great deal on the new Treo 650 phone. I'd save almost $100/month on my plan at Sprint. The downside is that I've heard mixed reviews about their coverage and customer service. Verizon's coverage is second to none and their customer service is phenomenal. I've been with them ten years and they treat me like a king. I may switch to Sprint on a temporary basis and see how the coverage works for 30 days and go from there before I cancel Verizon. A friend of mine, Greg Kandra, is the master at this. He's tried at least 6 different providers, most of them for 30 days, and then switched back when he wasn't happy within the 30 day window.

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