Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I got a new understanding of how people might look at Christianity by talking to an Apple Computer rep. Will and I were wandering around CompUSA, really just browsing. We went over to the Apple section to check out the new mini computers and found out that they're hard to get a hold of. We asked why production always seemed to be an issue with Apple products. The guy proceeded to go on a rant, explaining to us the genius of Steve Jobs, why Mac Mini's will rule the world, the genius of Apple's marketing and their far superior product. We just wanted to find out where to get a Mac mini.

There are a ton of great parallels here in terms of how some people choose to share their faith with others. Granted, much of what the apple guy said was true. Technologically, Mac's are a good, stable technology, the Mac OSX operating system is technologically superior to Microsoft Windows and has a much more intuitive, sexy and usable interface. Furthermore Steve Jobs is a genius and Apple's production capabilities suck. All that being said, I didn't want to fight with the guy, just understand where I could find a mac. Funny thing, Apple actually hires people that they term apple evangelists to promote their vision and show people the way, the truth and the life as far as Steve Jobs is concerned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say--beware of false profits!

Oh, and my classic image of an Apple design meeting:

[constant sound of bong water bubbling in the background]

Steve Jobs, eyes bloodshot, blankly staring at a table with an iPod and iMac on it: "Dude, this iPod is so small, and like, the iMac is so big."

Nameless Apple employee, stoned out of his mind: "Yeah.. totally.."

Steve Jobs, after passing the Dutchie around a couple times, suddenly announces: "Let's shrink the f***ing thing!"

**PUFF** The Mac mini is born!

:) Love you mac guys!