Monday, February 14, 2005

Let me tell you about my friend Will. Here's what happened: More so than usual, I tried to setup a very romantic date for Valentine's day for my wife and I. I'd started thinking about it a few weeks ago and put a fair amount of thought into what we were doing, coordinated it, and suprised her with all of the different parts of it. The baby-sitter couldn't be here until 5:30, so I called up Will to see if he could fill in from 5 - 5:30. Will's helped out with all of my kids since they were babies, heck, he's 'Uncle Will' to them, but my three kids can occasionally be pretty overwhelming for anyone, let alone a bachelor. At the last minute, my sitter had an emergency come up where she couldn't baby-sit. What does Will do? He takes one for the team! He babysits my kids from 5 - 9:30, including feeding them dinner and bedtime. That is way more than a friend.... That's a brother.

1 comment:

Will said...

Don't let him fool you, not really a chore. I have a lot of fun with the kids. There is something very wonderful to be the object of everyone's attention for 4 hours, and to have them fight over who you are going to play with. It was good to feel so loved on Valentine's Day.