Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Emily got a gold fish tank and 4 fish for her birthday. She keeps changing their names every day. Nacho is my favorite fish. One died the other day. I took it out of the tank for Cathie with a spoon, but forgot to put it in a bag to return it. I left it sitting on the counter and headed out to the airport. Cathie called me, thanking me for scaring. Apparently, she couldn't find the fish in the tank, which she thought was odd. She just happened to be walking up to the sink for something, she looked down, and there was the fish sitting on the edge of the sink. Apparently it was scary because it was unexpected. A single dead gold fish wouldn't really scare most people, in my opinion. We returned the dead fish and got a new one, a black one, which Emily named Carl. We were watching Carl in his death throes in the tank today. Emily was so excited that her fish had learned tricks. Now it's just laying there in the tank. Nice trick, Carl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting you name your daughters black fish after the token black guy on the Simpsons. Give it up for Carl