Sunday, April 03, 2005

We all went over to Ted's to watch Michigan State play UNC in the final four on Saturday night. The first half was great, State went into the locker room up by 5. The second half - not so good. In more ways than one. During the halfitme we started watching some of our favorite scenes from the movie Old School, and then things went south. During the wedding scene, Brad made a funny comment about one of the other guy's (who will remain nameless) chances of being in a wedding, and the next thing you know, Brad was being tossed around like a rag doll, all in fun. Next thing you know, this is happening:

Not good. He didn't get up for a while. When he finally did, this is what had happened (note the differences in the shoulder):

We suggested that he slam his shoulder into the wall like Mel Gibson did in Lethal Weapon, but he wasn't up for it. After the game, Brad headed to the emergency room to get it taken look at. He ended up with a Grade 3 Acromioclavicular Joint Separation. That's not good. He's going in for surgery on Monday.

It's even worse if it happens to you when you're 51. Way worse if you're looking forward to a big season of riding behind your brand new mastercraft Wakeboarding boat:

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