Thursday, May 26, 2005

At the gym this morning I was listening to a message by Noel entitled Why I hate Budweiser in a can. It's a phenomenal message that tackles an issue I've wrestled with: The paradox of how the Bible seems to say at the same time that salvation is our decision and at the same time that we must be chosen by God. He approaches it in a very humble way and does a decent job explaining some scientific principles (for a History major). The big issue that I have with his message, him, and now our friendship, is that he insults Budweiser in a can. He could have said that my kids were ugly, but Bud in a can? What other drink speaks of summer like Bud in a can? Barbecuing on a nice summer day? Wakeboarding and tubing out at Brad's cottage? My friend, my Bud in a can. The only other person I've heard take this kind of position with Budweiser is Mr source text himself, my friend Ken Buck. To think that they could be so far apart on so many issues (like postmodernism, hence Noel christening himself Po-Mo-Noel), yet agree on one thing, Bud in a can. The best part of the message is where Noel compares Jonah to Jack Black. I'll never think of one without the other.

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