Monday, May 02, 2005

I had a first this weekend. Not necessarily a good one, but a first, none-the-less. A couple Sunday's a month I work with a group of guys, starting around 7AM to load up a semi-trailer full of all of the stuff it takes to do church at a high school. We jave everything packed in 15 of these huge 8'x5'x3' containers that we bring into the school, unload, do church, re-pack and then reload in the trailer. We have breakfast in between unloading and setting up and church, which gives us a chance to hang out and talk. Believe it or not we have fun doing it. This last Sunday Matt Gielow, Brad Jeffrey, Ted Haase and I loaded it up and counted 13 containers. On the way back, we counted 12. Odd. We went back through, checked for a missing container and didn't find it, so we figured we'd miscounted. The High School called today and let us know that it had been left behind. Amazing that in 15 years of doing church in a high school that it's never happened before.

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