Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm a big fan of Billy Graham. I so respect the way the guy has lived, the way he communicates his message and how he's stood the test of time. This audio photo album in USA Today is cool. Here's the associated article. When he's asked how he hasn't fallen into the Mark Freier or Jimmy Swaggert trap of infidelity as a pastor, he explains "I told God that if I was ever unfaithful to my wife, I wanted him to strike me dead." Pretty decent motivation if you ask me.

In the article, he talks about his lack of involvement in politics,
"If I took sides in all these different divisive areas, I would cut off a great part of the people that I really want to reach. So I've felt that the Lord would have me just present the Gospel" and stay out of politics, he says.

Televangelist Pat Robertson asserts that God has lifted his "hedge of protection" around the judges, legislators and voters who agree with allowing abortion or gay marriage or physician-assisted suicide. But asked whether God has forsaken America, Graham's answer is fast and firm: "Noooo!" His reply stands on faith.

"The Lord said, 'I will never forsake you.' No matter how sinful we are, how bad we are, God loves us. At least from my point of view, I believe he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us because he loves us and he doesn't have any termination to that love."

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