Sunday, July 24, 2005

Friday was a rough day. I stayed up all night and all day in order to readjust my clock. I worked most of the day half-concious and then hung out with Cathie and the kids the rest of the day. Friday night I went over to Ted's house for his 4th going away party to spend a little while with Mark, Brad, Ted, Eli and Will.

Saturday was moving day for Mom and Dad. I went to bed around 11:30 and got up around 7, feeling pretty rested. Nate and I went to my parents for move number 2. We'd already moved hundreds of boxes out, so most of what was left was furniture. We had all of the furniture loaded up and ready to go by 10:30 and were on our way. Moving is a big deal in my family, so everyone was there, including our extended family of Will, Mike, big Nate. Last night Cathie, myself and my brothers Jon, Dan, Will and I went to go see Wedding Crashers. I laughed so hard I almost wet myself. As Will said, everything that comes out of Vince Vaughn's mouth is genius. Jon stayed over and left early this morning back to Memphis.

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