Monday, August 22, 2005

Stephen's Birthday Pics

I put all of the pictures from Stephen's party online, but thought I needed to point out some highlights and explain them:

My Mom was kind enough to deliver this nice plate and cup set for Dan and I. In this picture, we're renacting the picture that's on the plate itself. One of me sitting on my big brother's lap, labeled "Danny and David Kurt". The plate is not nearly as weird as the cup.

My sister Susan is waaay to open about nursing her children in front of her brothers. She just whips it out whenever and wherever and feeds little Bender. Apparently, she's okay with showing people her sexy nursing bra as well. No idea how this made it on her head.

At every family get together, nap are a tradition. I've learned to at least go find a place, hide and take a nap. I've slept under beds, behind couches - wherever I won't be found and disturbed. Not Kevin.

Not sure if Kevin is trying some kind of sympathy thing with his wife or just decided to wear a manzere.

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