Thursday, October 27, 2005

I flew in this morning to Minneapolis to head over to the Mayo clinic to hang out with my Mom during her surgery, which hopefully will be tomorrow. They're doing a bunch of intake and testing stuff today, we'll know tonight when the surgery is going to be.

My Dad was able to save $23 and not rent a car while he's out here, so he and my Mom took a shuttle for the 90 minute drive to Rochester when they came in last night. I rented a car to get here, so I'm driving them around while I'm here, each time reminding my Dad how nice it is to have a car. My brother Dan gets in tonight. I leave Saturday morning. I figure I have to leave my hotel about 4:30AM to get to the airport in time to make my flight and get back in time for Nate's football game.


Sooze said...

so do you get to be a surgerical assistant, since you are hanging out with mom during her surgery? I figured you were more or less going to be in the waiting room with dad and dan.

Unknown said...

Thanks for clarifying. Yes, I will actually be assisting on the surgery, or at least that's my goal. I'm hoping the doctor's see the iniative I took in reading all about the surgery online and let me help out. Based on the Seinfeld episode, I'm asking them to leave a junior mint inside of Mom to fight any infections.