Friday, October 21, 2005

I had breakfast with Joe this morning and he was trying to understand what the purpose of my blog is and who it's intended audience is. I never really sat down and wrote out a mission statement on my blog, but as we talked I think I nailed down a few different things:

My Audience:
I write this thing for my friends and family to keep up with my world. Anyone else is just a voyuer. Have you ever had a situation where someone you don't know is easedropping on your conversation and actually interjects their opinion, when you didn't even know they were listening? It's my choice to put this stuff out on the web, accessible to the world, so I'm okay with that for the most part, but at times it can be a little akward, especially when that person has only part of the story, or thinks that you are your blog.

My blog's purpose:
It's my way to communicate my world to a small group of people. The same people who'd I share what's going on in my job, my random thoughts, my family, technology, jokes, my opinons and reviews on stuff, and things in general that I find amusing. Do I try and edit this stuff to make sure it's appropriate? Of course I do. For Pete's sake, my Mom reads it. (Of course having to be a part of this family, my Mom does not have the typical "Mom" sense of humor). Will this stuff probably offend someone? Sure. Take the jokes I make about my brother Jon being a stay-at-home mother or lacking certain mental capacities. Both are true, but to those who don't understand my family or my deep friendship and love for my brother Jon, it could seem mean or insulting to stay-at-home Mom's, my brother or mentally disabled people.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a lot of fun. Having to explain to someone what the purpose of your blog is...I guess I am not as mature as you are. I would have found that insufferable and there would have been gnashing of teeth if I would have been forced to sit and have that conversation over this issue. Let's look at the blog concept, shall we?

Let us begin my investigating the word blog.

What does the word "blog" mean?
- Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.
-let's shorten it-
A blog is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.

So, if this is Dave's blog, oh my, it represents...Dave. Then you see his edgy, controversy loving, contentious, zealous, occasionally repugnant, perverse and yet family oriented personality all over the page. Holy crap, so the Dave that occasionally puts both feet in his mouth, tends to be ingenuous about E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-N-G, AND loves his family is going to put all of himself on this page?!?!?!? Heaven help us. I would put a funny curse in here for humor, but I don't want to offend anyone.

I send my condolences via this post that you had to endure a conversation of this nature and tolerate such politically correct garbage. Ridicules...

I never would have guessed that I would be saying this, but...Dave, I laud your maturity. You, my brother-in-law, are a better man than I.


Anonymous said...

Lets be nice....