Thursday, October 27, 2005

My Mom's pretty sick right now and pretty weak. It sucks seeing her like this. She's tough and stubborn, so I know she'll push hard through all of this. Surgery is tomorrow around 11. The Mayo clinic is very impressive. The building is awesome, but the logistics are even cooler. When you arrive, they give you a complete itinerary showing you all of the times and places you have to be. Everything's on time and the people are great.

It doesn't look like I'll be helping in the surgery tomorrow. No one has been impressed with how much i've learned online and from watching TV shows. People don't seem interested in hearing about the episode where Kramer and Jerry drop a Junior Mint into a surgical patient and how that eventually saves his life (Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, It's peppermint... It's delicious!! It's very refreshing!). Why don't people want to know this kind of stuff? This is gold Jerry, gold! This is also why it's good to hang with family during these times. They get this kind of stuff.

Dan gets in shortly and we're going out to grab something to eat at Bilotti's Pizza Place, which Chris turned me onto from when he used to live out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think it is funny that I can't drive without getting lost? I think it is funny that you are "helping" during surgery!!

I am not surprised that you were laughing at me, but I thought Cathie would be alittle bit more sympathetic. I guess it is all the time she has spent with you!!

Seriously, I am so glad that you are there. I am still praying that when they go for the surgery, the cancer is totally gone!!

Praying hard,
Wrong way Burmeister