Sunday, November 20, 2005

Back from the dead

The good news is that my iPod is back, fully repaired and refurbished. The bad news is that it's back, refurbished. The hard drive in my iPod died about three weeks ago and I took it into Best Buy under the extended warranty program. They explained that if they couldn't fix it, they'd have to replace it with a new one (i.e. Video iPod). They called Friday to say that mine is fixed. Stinkin repair departments. Do I NEED the new video iPod? No. Do I want one??? Badly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smiegel from Lord of the Rings says, "me wants it. me needs it. Smiegel gots to have it!"

Go for it. Go get one. You deserve it. Plus it's awesome on all those long airplane rides for watching video podcasts (Tiki Bar) and TV shows.
