Friday, December 30, 2005

Here's the latest update on my Mom's Pancreatic Cancer from my Dad:
Lynn has now had two chemo treatments. On December 16th, we left for U-M Cancer Clinic in Ann Arbor at 8 a.m. and didn't arrive home until 8 p.m. Each visit, Lynn will have blood drawn so they can monitor the impact of the two chemo treatments. We met with the doctors and they were pleased with the results of the blood work and discussed their approach to the chemotherapy. They are treating her very aggressively, so Lynn is receiving two different chemo treatments each visit. They are administered intravenously and take 4 hours to administer. As expected, the affects from the chemo are mostly nausea and fatigue and an overall crummy feeling. They indicated she would feel the worse two days after the treatments, but it is lasting much longer than that.

She had her second treatment on Friday afternoon, December 23rd. Besides being the day before Christmas Eve, they couldn't fit us in until late in the afternoon, which meant that we didn't get home until 10:30 p.m. She was able to attend Christmas Eve church service and enjoyed the family, while leaving the meals up to the rest of the family to deal with. She knows her limits and was not afraid to get some rest when she felt tired. This week she continues with the nausea and fatigue, despite the many different anti-nausea drugs she has available. Lynn has 8 more chemo treatments between now and mid-March,with the next one being January 6th. That will be followed by radiation and a different chemotherapy for 6 weeks.
Please continue to pray for my Mom!


Noel Heikkinen said...

Praying for your mom's cancer and your dad's tie selections.

Anonymous said...

Your whole family is in all of our prayers daily...This is very stressfull.