Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Letter to Santa

Emily sat down with Cathie and Emily dictated the following letter to santa:
Dear Santa,
I would like some real puppies for my dog so she can be a mama.
I would also like a farm in our backyard
I would like some baby cows and all kinds of animals
I would like a toy doll for Christmas and some toy trains.
I would like a teddy bear with a bow because we have a playhouse.


Anonymous said...

I would like to visit that back yard farm...

Unknown said...

Actually, I can't take credit...I did not sit down and write this letter with Em. Rather she sat down with her pre-school teacher and dictated it while her teacher wrote it. Too bad Santa is going to break her little heart. South Lyon doesn't need any more farms.


Unknown said...

I'm a bad father. I don't even know what my daughter does in pre-school. I thought my wife had invested the time in my daughter to do this.