Thursday, January 19, 2006

Clerks 2 Is Close!

It looks like Clerks 2 is coming soon to theatres near you. You can check out the Clerks II Trailer here.


Anonymous said...

not into the original clerks movie, what with the continuous cursing, nihilistic and self-centered worldview, and suggestion of offscreen necrophilia--as a born-again, sanctified, redeemed and called-out-of-this-world Christian(i.e. disciple of Jesus Christ and child of the Living God)I can definitely say that I am not aroused by the prospect of Clerks 2 coming anywhere near my home. But if you really believe that your presence in that movie theatre will result in a dynamic witness for the gospel of Jesus Christ, then go, and preach repentance to a lost and dying world. But I think you'll just go and forget all about the One you supposedly serve, it's only one evening, after all, right?

Unknown said...

Thanks for assuming the best about me, especially the "one you supposedly serve" part. It's probably pretty easy to anonymously throw judgment around, huh? Jesus seemed to have something to say about you and your fellow pharisees, didn't he?
Your self-righteousness aside, I agree with you that Clerks is a pretty crude flick. I like more the "how" he was able to make the flick than the movie itself, but I like Kevin Smith's writing and directing style.
I appreciate your sharing your thoughts.... They might be better heard if you did them in a kinder, less self-righteous way.

Dan said...

It must be nice to have soooo many adoring fans. Too bad you have no idea who they are. Not sure why they don't post their name, or maybe I do...