Saturday, January 28, 2006

Here's the latest on my Mom from my Dad:
Lynn finished her 5th chemo treatment today. She was elated when the nurse told her she gained almost 2 lbs during the last two weeks. Lynn has been feeling very fatigued. You all know that Lynn is usually full of energy, but because of the chemo, “her get up - got up and went.” Her appetite fluctuates; some days she has no appetite, while other days she has special cravings.

Since she didn’t have a chemo treatment last week, Lynn felt fair this week. It also helped that she had some of her grandchildren come for short visits, especially 5 month old Libby who she was able to hold on her lap.

She continues with treatment once a week, on Fridays, with 5 more treatments to be completed by mid-March. This is normally a 10 hour ordeal. The docs monitor the pathology reports very carefully and so far they remain okay for her to continue the cisplatin and gemcitabene chemo treatments.

After these treatments, Lynn begins daily radiation and chemo treatment for 5 weeks.

We feel blessed that as bad as Lynn feels some days, it could be so much worse. She talked to a lady who is a friend of a friend of ours, who had pancreatic cancer 4 years ago and is now in remission. She was unable to have the Whipple Procedure because her cancer was too far along. In addition to having many of the symptoms Lynn has been experiencing, she had severe pain. She went through chemo and radiation treatments and is now doing great. Through the grace of God, the great medical team, you-our loving family and friends, Lynn will be in remission soon.
Thank you for your continued prayers for my Mom. Please keep it up. It makes a difference.

1 comment:

Rich said...

Thank you for the update. Amy and I are really pulling for your mom. My dad had the same procedure done here at Mayo just over 2 years ago. It was definitely painful and life style altering for him but his quality of life gets better everyday. I couldn’t be happier with his decision to have the procedure along with the chemo and radiation so that he could be here today. Hang in there…
