Friday, February 17, 2006

I finished it!

Over one year later, I've finally finished one of the most difficult and challenging books I've ever read: All 400 pages of The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. To put it simply, this book is about discipleship and what it means day in and day out to follow Jesus. The guy is a professor of philosophy and he takes this idea to such a foundational level - never dealing with nice, happy, generalities. The first three chapters were painful as he laid the philosophical groundwork for the book, but after that it opened my eyes like no other book has. Over the past year, this book has transformed my ideas around what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, resulting in real action and transformation in my life. It's an amazing book that I don't think I was ready for before last year. I'm on to start his next book, Renovation of the Heart. I started that one a couple years ago and never got beyond chapter 4. I think I'm ready this time.


Anonymous said...

I am loving this book!

How did its suggestions and ideas manifest themselves into action?

Unknown said...

Good question. That piece is much more on the outer ring of the circle of impact from the book. At the core, it changed the way I look at the teachings of Jesus, it changed how I try daily to exist in the Kingdom of God and how I use various spiritual disciplines in my life. One of the biggest and simplest things from the book is the idea that "what you think about you do, and what you do you become."