Friday, February 24, 2006

I took yesterday and today off to hang out with the kids during their Winter break. Yesterday we headed out to Lansing to go visit my Mom, then my sister and finally my Grandma. In the afternoon, I had a chance to take Madeline to her gymnastics practice, which I hadn't done since she'd made it into level three. I can't believe the things she's doing there. She is really, really good at gymnastics (and I'm not just saying this because I'm her Dad.) It was amazing watching do some of the things on the uneven bars and the balance beam.

Last night, Cathie and I went on a date, for dinner and coffee and had a great time just hanging out and talking for three+ hours. This morning, even though I could have slept in until ten and knowing that Kirk saves Friday's to really hurt us, for some dumb reason I got up at 5 to go workout with the guys. He had us do this funky set that involved us doing these crazy high knee runs while holding a 15lb medicine ball, doing 10 push-ups on the medicine ball, doing a squat lunges back with the medicine ball, 10 more push ups, etc. We did that five times, rested, and did the whole series of 5 three more times.

I'm heading out this afternoon for Spring Hill camp with our Junior High Youth Group with Jason and Jess and my buddy Raitz, who's the speaker this weekend to about 900 junior high kids. I'm looking forward to the camp, and to coming out on Sunday absolutely exhausted. It should be a great time. Next week I'm in Washington DC for a couple of days and then off to Kansas City for a couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...what would be the difference in me being excited about my kids athletic teams and you bragging about your kids? Not much! If you can't tell it's a pet peeve of mine for awhile now.
