Monday, February 27, 2006

Join Me

At camp this weekend, I happened to room with Steve Carter, one of the junior high leaders from Mars Hill Church. I download all of Mars Hill's teaching stuff and listen to it while I workout and travel, and it turns out that I'd I'd listened to some of his teachings in the past and finally put a face to the voice. Great guy. Got a chance to hear about how Mars Hills does what it does from a Youth Ministry perspective, which is one of the great things about bringing different churches together at a camp like this. Anyways, we were comparing recent books and movies and turned me onto a bunch of new stuff I hadn't heard about including this: the book Join Me by Danny Wallace. It's a book about this guy's quest to try and create his own cult, and how he does it. Check out the web site that gives an interesting overview of the process. He also turned me onto the book Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore -that's supposed to be hilarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm questioning why you're interested in the book about a guy who tried to start his own this a "How To" book for you? Does Ingrid know about this? No kool aid for me!