Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I took a seat in the poker room tonight in Tahoe to see if I could play with the big dogs. I sat down at a 3-6-12 dollar table (ok, so maybe not the really big dogs). The table was all locals and I heard some me pretty interesting stories about what brought them here to live and why they stayed. Things started out badly. I was down to my last couple dollars after a few bad beats. I ended up going all in on a couple of hands and winning, I eventually ended up with enough to be able to push the table around a little bit. I ended up about $100 up in the end, which wasn't too shabby for such a low limit table

After this I put $20 into the Wheel of Fortune machine on behalf of Project 311 and won a hundie. We've got a big Youth Pastor lunch on Friday for Youth Pastors in the Metro Detroit area, so the hundie will go towards giveaways for them. We're up to 65 so far, with the goal being to connect them, honor them, and thank them for what they do. If a Youth Pastor's even been influential in your life and you want to help out with some kind of giveaway, let me know ASAP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man...I wish I woulda known this while I was at the lunch...woulda been a nice piece of 'behind the scenes" info to chew on while you were giving away the prizes....I'm sure the baptists woulda loved it :) ...

I didn't know you were Catholic, dave! Project311 Casino night anyone?