Monday, March 27, 2006

The Perfect Church

I've been coming to grips lately on the idea of church, what it is and what it isn't. For now, I have more peace at where I'm at than I've had in a long, long time. I had a conversation with my friend Lori the other day about how church and how the deeper you go into a church, the more obvious it's imperfection become.

I just got done reading this article from relevant on the perfect church. Here's an excerpt that summarizes kinda where I've come to in all of this thinking:
If Christianity is not solely about a private, individual relationship with Christ, and the church’s mission in the world is not solely to help nurture that private, individual relationship, what does it matter if a certain church isn’t “meeting your needs” or if you’re not feeling “spiritually fed” there? It’s not about you. It’s about the body, the greater community. The trend of church shopping is a clever illusion, while we think it will help us find the “perfect church”—it actually works against us and inhibits any possibility of experiencing true community.
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momteacherfriend said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

This post is one of the many reasons I love you Dave Kurt!!

Anonymous said...

completely agree....just so you know...i will also steal this post from you...or just point people to it. you do all my best thinking for me...thanks dave