Saturday, March 11, 2006

The whole family went to Chili's last night for dinner. Midway through the meal, Nate went to the bathroom and came out telling me, "Dad, I couldn't get the bathroom stall opened, so I had to climb out and the guy in there called me an a**hole." 30 seconds late a guy walked buy and Nate pointed him out as the guy, a big 'ol guy in his mid-30s. I moseyed over to talk to him and ask him if this was the case, and he said that he never actually called Nate the name, but just said it in his general direction when he saw Nate climbing out of the stall when he'd walked in and seen this going on. I told him why Nate was doing this, and then asked him exactly what kind of guy calls a nine year old these kind of names. The conversation on my side was very nice, but I think the guy felt pretty dumb in the end for doing it, after he heard himself trying to explain why he'd done it. As we were leaving, I brought Nate over to his table to give the guy a chance to apologize, which he did.


Rich said...

Where you wearing the “guns t-shirt”? Have you gotten the t-shirt, because I haven’t seen it on the blog….

Fat Rich loved Chili’s. My favorite was the Ground Peppercorn Burger, but I would need to be near a bathroom within a half an hour after consumption

Anonymous said...

what no pictures? would be nice to see nate and the 30 year old man shaking hands