Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring is in the air

Spring is here. The kids are loving being able to play outside. Nate's out from the video games playing hockey, football and basketball. We went for a bike ride this evening which was great. Maddie rode her bike while Emily rode in the boogie (what Emily calls the buggy. It's cute, and she's our youngest, so I'm holding on to these kind of things as long as I can). It's warm enough now that we can start riding our bikes to church.

You gotta love Emily's outfit. I came into her room last night and she had 5 separate outfits laid out to choose from for school this morning. 5 pair of shoes (why does she have 5 pair???), 5 pair of socks and tights and five dresses. She picked this dress and the crazy pair of tights she's wearing (that's why we call her "little Jess").

I had my board meeting for Project 311 tonight. Tomorrow I fly to New York and then to Philidelphia on Wednesday, back on Thursday, off for Good Friday. Friday night we've got a very cool Good Friday service happening at church. Saturday I'm taking the kids in the youth group down to the "D" (as in "D"etroit) to pass out food and clothes to the homeless. Sunday
we're going down to Lansing to spend Easter with the family. I think my brother Jon and Libby will be in town. My sister-in-law Bethie has to stay in Memphis and work. Busy week. Next Monday I fly out to Arkansas for a few days and the following week I'm back in New York. It's making me tired thinking about it. I'm heading to bed.

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