Tuesday, June 20, 2006


What a great morning. I love summer mornings, especially when I'm not traveling and I can get into a normal routine. I've been getting up at 5:30, going to the gym and then coming back and taking some time for myself. After the gym, my morning routine involves grabbing a cup of coffee, sitting on my deck and spending time reading, journaling and praying. I've been reading two books right now (The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoffer and The Bible Jesus Read by Yancy) and going through 1 Corinthians. Once I get in the rhythm of doing this, missing it kills me, although I'm always amazed at how easily I can fall away from this. Sitting on the deck in the morning, I get to hear the birds chirping, watch the squirrels run around and spend some of the only quiet, technology-free time in my entire day. Occasionally, my kids will wake up early and come sit on my lap outside for a while, which I love. Sometimes they'll ask about why I sit out there, other times about what I'm reading and sometimes we'll just sit their quietly and listen to the birds.

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