Monday, July 10, 2006

Life Lessons #327-#329

#327. If you go on vacation, make sure you have someone put your trash out or it will get maggots.
#328. If you forget to put your trash out and it gets maggots and there's a nasty brown liquid all over the can, don't touch it.
#329. If you forget to put your trash out and it gets maggots and you touch the nasty brown liquid, don't touch it.

I violated rules 327-329 today. I went to check on how Nate was doing with bringing in the trash cans and saw one still sitting in the street. He told me it had some nasty brown stuff on it that smelled, so I went down to help him bring it up. While Nate was watching, I accidentally touched the stuff, smelled my finger, and threw up in the street while Nate was laughing his head off. It smelled worse that my belly button on a really, really bad day.


Jon said...

I bet your next door neighbor had a problem with you throwing up in the street.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. Sad, but funny. Those are 3 lessons I don't think I will forget now.